Family Lawyers in Harkaway – Specialists in Divorce Legal Cases!

We understand how valuable the relationship with your loved ones is, and how painful it can be when things take a turn for the worst. At National Family Lawyers, we provide our clients with the professional, high-quality and sensitive service you need, to always get the best outcome for your family.

For over a decade, we have helped Melbourne families with the expert guidance and support they need during the roughest and most emotionally draining periods of their lives. During that time, we have built a strong reputation within the Melbourne legal community for our high level of ethical standards and excellent track record for client satisfaction.

Family Lawyers in Harkaway

We specialise in Family Law and handle a range of complicated matters, including property settlements, divorce, children’s matters, de facto relationships, same-sex relationships, child support matters and family violence.

We know how complex family law can be and the difficulty associated with the entire process. With our lawyers handling any of your concerns regarding family law, life can soon go back to normal for you and your family.

For the best family law advice in Harkaway, contact us today!

Harkaway lawyers putting you first

Just as every relationship is unique, we understand that every one of our cases is different. That’s why we take the time to consult with you to understand your individual circumstances, allowing us to tailor our expert advice to your situation and draw from our years of experience to come up with the best solution for all members involved.

Whatever you need — whether you’re after a prenuptial agreement or beginning the process of your divorce — our team of experienced family lawyers provide professional, informed and compassionate family law advice and help to guide you through so that everything is simple and straightforward.

Ease the process of separation or divorce

Separation and divorce can be a complicated, exhausting and painful process for the entire family. The breakdown of a relationship—for whatever reason—is hard on everyone involved.
We’re here to help you with your divorce or separation in any way we can.

With expert family law advice and years of experience in divorce mediation, our family lawyers can help smooth things over. We believe that the best way to ease you and your family through the process of separation or divorce is to aim for early resolution; reaching a settlement during mediation before attending Family Court is the best way to let you and your loved ones begin the healing process, especially if there are children involved.

Separation and divorce are never easy, but we know that the process can be easier; that’s why we aim to provide our clients with the best family law service and divorce consultations we can.

Child support

Raising children can be expensive. It’s important that—even if you and your partner are getting a separation or divorce—both parents continue to contribute to the financial support of any children.

Our lawyers can help by:

  • Advising you of any child support obligations (either for you or your partner) and options you may have
  • Preparing child support agreements (or adult child maintenance, if children are over the age of eighteen and still require support) and assisting with any negotiations
  • Assisting with applications for assessment to the Child Support Agency
  • Assisting you with seeking enforcement, if child support agreements are not being upheld

Protecting the safety and wellbeing of you and your family

We’re here for you when things get tough.

The safety and welfare of you and your family are paramount to us. We have experience dealing with situations of family violence and are committed to ensuring the wellbeing of everyone involved, both during the family law process and permanently afterwards.

We can help arrange intervention orders to protect you and your children from the threat of family violence, and can intervene on your behalf. We strive to act in your best interest, and our family lawyers will do everything they can to ensure the best outcome for you and your family.

Harkaway family lawyers you can trust

Don’t want to drag your family—especially your children—through the ordeal of court? We can help to quickly resolve any relationship issues with our Melbourne team of expert negotiators, without the need to step inside a courtroom.

Divorce Lawyers in Harkaway
And, if the situation does escalate, we are committed to providing you with the best service, making the process as simple and as painless as possible. The wellbeing of you and your loved ones is always at the heart of everything we do at National Family Lawyers, and we will provide the best representation to ensure that your interests and needs are heard. While we avoid court if possible for your benefit, we are never afraid to step up and argue for your rights.

Our team excels both inside and outside of court and is always committed to getting you the outcome you and your family deserves.

For the best family law results in Melbourne

Need a family lawyer to help guide you through the convoluted mess that is family law? We help our Melbourne clients with all their family law needs, assisting them to find the solution that is best for them.

Whatever your situation, we can help jumpstart your family’s healing with our simple and clean process, so that you can get back to living your lives faster.

Located near Melbourne Family Court and Dandenong Family Court in Melbourne’s suburbs, we are available for a consultation now.

Contact us at 9939 5196 to talk to an experienced Harkaway lawyer or leave us a message — we’ll get started on your family law concerns as soon as possible.

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